Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Dinner

Growing up my family usually had Thanksgiving dinner at my grandpa’s house in South Carolina. It was also interesting going to my grandpa’s house because we never knew which family members were coming. The idea was for all of my grandpa’s children, their kids and his sisters to come. But sometimes he didn’t know who was showing up until the day of Thanksgiving or he didn’t know what time they would arrive. Thinking back on this I would think it would be stressful on my grandpa about knowing how much food to cook. But he had the mentality that whoever shows up will show up. My grandfather also did almost all the cooking himself, he was often adamant about other people not doing any cooking. I remember his sisters would often ask to help and he would not want them in the kitchen. But once my grandfather found out who was coming to Thanksgiving we were unable to eat until everyone arrived. Once everyone arrived we prayed then ate. Everyone usually ate in various places around the house.
The food at Thanksgiving was typical Thanksgiving food. Nothing special was made except sometimes my grandmother would bake pies and send them with us. I enjoyed the simplicity of the meal because I was a pickier eater so it was nice knowing that I would be able to eat everything. It also was nice having a familiar home cooked meal.

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