Monday, December 7, 2015

Food and Hunger Reflection Paper

"According to Rozin, when piles form, naturally holes form as well. This is not usually because they are believed to be illegitimate areas of research but that they are just neglected in favor of more promising areas of research. Looking back on the class, an area of research that I think formed a hole in our readings was there was minimal input of or studies done on farmers. While it was touched upon very early in the semester with the Kingsolver’s narrative about growing up in the southwest United States and other articles, there was no heavy emphasis on the producers of food or where it came from like there was for how low-income families struggle with hunger or what food means symbolically to certain people. A “hole” that can be filled is to try to bring the struggles and commentary of farmers, herders, and other non-corporate producers of food into the mix. After all, they are producing a large percentage of food that we consume; they ought to get a larger voice in the food culture studies and politics."

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