Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Supermarket #2

I feel as though the hardest part about this assignment was making substitutions and finding healthier options, even though most of the foods on my list were unhealthy to begin with. In trying to avoid being repetitive with meals, I opted for including more junk food in the diet, allowing more unhealthy foods to creep onto the menu. I distinctly remember switching from Cheerios to Lucky Charms when I realized that I could have almost twice as much cereal for virtually the same price.

One thing that really stood out to me in this exercise was that Giant Eagle brand foods tended to be significantly cheaper than other brands. That ties back into the idea that supermarkets are businesses and are here to make profit, rather than cater to costumers. Despite not knowing anything about Giant Eagle since we don’t have one back home, I was willing to switch in order to save a few dollars, even if I was familiar with the brand I initially chose. Personally, other than milk, I don’t think there would be a significant difference between my original choices and my substitutions. I have a preference for whole milk, but for the sake of saving money, I decided to substitute reduced fat milk.

I think it was relatively easy for me to shop cheaply. I’m used to helping my mother with shopping and having to stay within a budget. It was almost impossible for me to find even better deals than what I’d started out with, which I found interesting and a bit funny while doing this assignment.

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