Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Mother's Pancakes

My mother's pancakes are by far evoke the strongest food memories in my. These pancakes are very delicious, but it is hardly a unique or interesting recipe. My mother makes the pancakes by using a box of Aunt Jemima pancake mix, milk, and eggs. It's also important to note she never uses the "just add water" kind. From my mother I have learned that the process of making pancakes is a lot more difficult than what I would have anticipated. First, the ratio to pancake mix, eggs, and milk needs to create a consistency that is able to drip off the spoon, but not too fast that it becomes water. The next step is too make sure that the pan is hot enough, which can be tested by sprinkling some water on to the pan to see if the water will sizzle. The last step is to pour the batter on the pan to make round golden brown pancakes.

I believe pancakes are so special to me for two reasons. One reason is that I grew up eating them on a regular basis. My mother often made pancakes and I often requested her to make pancakes. They were made every time a friend or family member spent the night, they are often made the morning after I return home from school, and they were made for a quick dinner when my mom didn't want to cook much.  The second reason they are so special is because no matter how hard I try my pancakes will never taste as good as my mother's. Even though I wish I could emulate her pancakes I'm glad that I can not. I think this stems from me putting my mother on a pedestal and equating her pancakes with my home life. These pancakes have created a bond between my mother and I. Where I am looking to her for guidance and comfort. As I continue into adulthood these pancakes symbolize that I will always need my mother.

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